Ontario Sea Scout Scuttlebutt
Sunday, December 8, 1500hrs
online via Google Meet
What’s a Scuttlebutt?
“Scuttlebutt” is a nautical tradition where sailors gather to discuss ship-life. It gets its name from the water casks used on ships.
Sea Scout Scuttlebutt gatherings give Sea Scout youth and adults an opportunity to gather, meet one another, hear about interesting Sea Scout initiatives in other groups, and generally build connections.
The most recent International Sea Scout Scuttlebutt was Nov 9, 2024.
Who is this scuttlebutt for?
Sea Scout groups that identify as part of Scouts Canada in Ontario. Other Scouts and Scouters interested in learning about or starting Sea Scout groups are also welcome.
It seems to us that Sea Scouting often struggles because there are few guiding documents and a shortage of communication between active Sea Scout groups to address challenges or celebrate successes. Recently, our group, the 403rd Toronto Sea Scouts has started to have some success in ways that seemed impossible a few years ago. We would like to share what we have accomplished and we realize that other groups have knowledge and successes that we would benefit from too.
We think the best starting point is to connect Sea Scouters and senior Sea Scouts across Ontario to talk about what we need, what we can offer and what our dreams might be.
One dream is a possible 45th Ontario Sea Scout Rendezvous at some point in the future.
How to register?
To join us, please send an email to kapn@kapn.net with your name, your group name and role. We’ll send you the Google Meet link at least a week before the Scuttlebutt itself. If you are a youth member, please cc an adult member from your group as well when emailing us.