Ontario Sea Scout Scuttlebutt #2
Sunday, February 9, 1500hrs
online via Google Meet
What’s a Scuttlebutt?
“Scuttlebutt” is a nautical tradition where sailors gather to discuss ship-life. It gets its name from the water casks used on ships.
Sea Scout Scuttlebutt gatherings give Sea Scout youth and adults an opportunity to gather, meet one another, hear about interesting Sea Scout initiatives in other groups, and generally build connections.
The most recent International Sea Scout Scuttlebutt was Nov 9, 2024.
The most recent Ontario Sea Scout Scuttlebutt was Dec 8. It was pretty successful for a first time event. We discussed the general landscape a bit, agreed to meet again and discussed ways we might connect over the next year, especially at HSR and the Toronto boat show.
Who is this scuttlebutt for?
Sea Scout groups that identify as part of Scouts Canada in Ontario. Other Scouts and Scouters interested in learning about or starting Sea Scout groups are also welcome. We will likely start hosting a national Scuttlebutt sometime in 2025. If you’d like to be notified when we start national scuttlebutts, please register and choose that option.
How to register?
To join us, please register with your name, your group name and role. We’ll send you the Google Meet link at least a week before the Scuttlebutt itself.